Tuesday, June 14, 2005

A blogger for Monaco?

A blogger for Monaco?

I started this blog to see what the potential might be to draw out more of the story of Monaco for an audience beyond the Principality's borders. There is much more to be done to test out the thesis that there is both valuable content to bring forward through this mechanism, and a meaningful market of people interested in consuming what appears here.

Here is an idea to consider along with other items appearing in other "posts" in this blog.

What if Monaco were to hire someone to continue this on a regular basis, engaging people, promoting the existence of the Monaco Blog, etc.? Some people would respond that this would be simply another public relations initiative. They would be right EXCEPT if a condition is imposed like those used by leading newspapers in the US and in some other countries.

That condition is that the person "hired" to do this discloses exactly what he/she is being paid AND the "employment agreement/contract" runs for, say, 2 years, without possibility of being cut and without possibility of being extended. If the person chosen did any other work in or related to Monaco, that would have to be disclosed as well.

Something to consider?

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